Saturday, December 12, 2009

Homeless elderly man beaten to death


KUALA LUMPUR, Sat: A homeless septuagenarian was found beaten to death on the sidewalk of an electronics shop in Jalan Pudu here today.

So Jin Fat, 76, sustained head injuries, believed to have been caused by a piece of wood which was found near his body. His wallet was missing.

A passer-by found the body about 7am, and alerted the police.

Dang Wangi police chief ACP Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman said the case was classified
as murder. The body sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for post-mortem.
-- Bernama

This article are taken from read this article, something came out from my mind, "what happens to Malaysia now days?"...We can see that criminal are everywhere and the victims involves all type of human even elders, pregnant women or children.

Septuagenarian in the article meaning elders with age between 70-80... The 1st issue in this article are the old man has been murdered by someone who did not been trace yet...Police suspect the old man murdered because there is a wood that has been used to hit the old man...2nd issues that has been recovered by the police are the old man's wallet has been steal...From my point of view, might be a same person who kill him steal the wallet...

From what i have learned in class, this case is under criminal law which the old man has been killed and stolen. This case will be hearing in the criminal court as well.
As the decision has been made, an accused may be convicted if he (person who kill) is guilty and acquitted if he innocent...and the sanction will be imprisonment, fine or both...


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